A year ago I planned to stop this blog, but something kept me going. I had just completed the Zero Waste Week challenge with absolute amazement over how little we managed to throw away.
It was an incredible experience because the idea of living an ordinary life creating minimal waste had felt so impossible, yet I somehow proved it could be a reality - even with two kids. It felt great. And I was hooked.
And with a bucket-load of excitement I couldn't help but spread the word. I realised there was much more to rubbish than met the eye. It was not just about bins, it was a lifestyle makeover. And it was exciting!
It's been a real blast enjoying the everyday challenges of shopping and cooking and the not so fun task of cleaning, finding zero waste challenges along the way. Even birthdays, Easter and Christmas brought the rewards of an almost empty rubbish bin. How incredible is that. So having "been there done it", I can't wait to do it all again this year and I have a feeling that thanks to progress from the manufacturers, it will be even easier than before.
Also the friends I have met during the last year and a bit have made this the most amazing experience ever, including folk dotted all over the world, all sharing ideas of what is possible. And I can't wait to visit your blogs more often than I have been able to.
So I really couldn't have asked for more and I am truly glad that I didn't stop blogging a year ago.
But there comes a time, when a girl has to step away from her virtual comfort zone and get back to the needs of the real world and practise everything she's learned over the last 15 months, including making more bread, yoghurt and pasta as well as jams and cakes. All those yummy scrummy things that I don't have time to do when at the computer.
And there's growing vegetables too, as well as looking after the hens.
I still can't believe we've got chickens.
The almost average family has come a long way since I announced my presence on the blog last January.
So I feel like I am truly leaving the party on a high.
But it is really hard to step away especially as the interest in the blog is at an all-time high and there's the MediaGuardian Innovation Awards next week too. It will be an amazing occasion that I will be proud to attend and I can't wait to report on what happens. Will The Rubbish Diet win or won't it - we'll just have to see.
In the meantime, in true Almost Mrs Average style, you can be sure I won't be going quietly. In fact I'm planning my own awards night for the weekend and I'll be publishing the past year's highlights sometime next week. I'll also be updating you with my plans too, the next chapter of The Rubbish Diet I guess.
So please join me in the celebrations. Grab your party frocks and evening suits and take your seat on Saturday evening for the one and only Rubbish Diet awards night. My way of thanking you all for joining in the fun.
Don't buy anything new though will you. Something from your wardrobe will do.
And on that note, I'd better rifle though my own collection of dresses. A girl needs to be properly prepared you know.
I can't wait to see you on Saturday.
Now where did I put that feather boa!
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
It's time to wind down
Labels: The Rubbish Diet
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Say it ain't so!
But... I know of which you speak.
For all the great things... the friends, the support, the comments, the awards, the PR... there comes a point when you have to listen to that little voice.
Usually it's my boys, when I bound in to show them something nice that has happened online.
They look up, wearily, and say..'Yeah, great Dad. But can we eat it?'
Sometimes there are other calls.
I have appreciated all you have done, and am sure will continue to do.
Now, where can I find a place that will give me ideas on reused party favours?
Hi Mrs A,
Best of luck with the competition. I look forward to your summary of the year's events.
Deciding to retire from the fray will be sad for all your contacts, near and far.
It has been great to combine efforts with you and Mrs Green, in particular, with our various perspectives.
It will be a sad day when there is no new info on The Rubbish Diet for me to get my daily fix from.
Oh no, Karen, don't do this! Don't leave us! I'm just starting doing well. Yesterday night before putting my bin out I looked inside to realize that it was only 3/4 full (usually it's so bulging I can hardly close it). So I thought, "I have to tell Karen, it's her inspiration that brought this on". Please, don't don't don't go! Ciao. A.
Well done to you for raising the profile of all things rubbish. You keep me going when the Daily Mail and Telegraph are spouting....RUBBISH! I can always rely on the full story from you, with a positive attitude, unlike those loony bloody journalists. Well done for making it this far! Don't stop!
oh gosh Mrs A, you scare me!! :)
we need that daily dose of optimism & all-is-well attitude!!
/say you'll open another site at least then? or do once-a-week-blogging at least, or lazy-blogging-with-guest-bloggers, anything!! :)/
until there's a really big website about this (or even after!), we need you & Mrs G & other upbeat eco-bloggers!!
Can't wait to find out what your going to be up to next and best of luck with the competition.
Oh Mrs A; I hear you on this. I would love to take a month off - all this sharing, caring and writing can be exhausting, can't it!?
We all know you deserve a well-earned rest and I'm sure you'll be refreshed in no time; ready for the next leg of your adventures.
Somehow I don't think the Rubbish Diet is ever going to fully close its doors, but there comes a time when we need to rest, reflect and renew so that we can gain focus and clarity and I think you are right to take a break.
It's a time to sort the wheat from the chaff, reconnect with yourself and find new meaning and purpose. Like a phoenix from the ashes, you will rise again, ever triumphant and ready to continue your mission.
In the meantime, I've booked my tickets for Saturday and will be scouring my wardrobe for something pretty to wear :)
Looking forward to it and bright blessings to you - you are a wonderful person who has inspired us all.
Mrs G xx
Nows not the time to quit. Take a short break yes, return with at least a weekly blog, then when the m ood takes you climb on that story and flog it again. Rubbish does not go away, there is a wider auidence out there waiting to hear your words of wisdom.
Promise us it only a rest, please.
Hello Karen, CONGRATULATIONS from Green Light Trust - an environmental education charity based near Bury St Edmunds. Part of our work is to encourage people to care for the planet, and we are very impressed with your efforts. Do you know the Woodland Ways project on Moreton Hall? They would be interested to meet you.
Oh my word, thank you so much for your support and your understanding. You're all amazing.
Peter - you've got a good grasp of how it is and juggling family life, which is my priority has led to more than a few late nights. I should change that photo of me to a walking zombie LOL. MMM reuse party favours...? I think Geo-caching is the answer - google it to see what I mean :-D
Hi John - don't worry, I'm not quite retiring completely. I've got the book to finish and I've spoken to a few people about a number of collaborations including Mrs G, which I hope won't make it too busy, but will create an opportunity for a much louder voice. I'll be shouting in your neck of the woods with more info very soon indeed. :-D
Aww thank you Maisie. I really appreciate your support and it's great having you around here. Can you follow me on Twitter instead because I can keep that up-to-date with 140 character musings. Yes sometimes I can be very brief :-D
Antonella, thank you. That's so great to hear. I had to chuckle last week when a coupld of my other associates said they can't sort out their recycling without thinking about me...ooopsy doops, what have I started LOL. Don't worry. You will LOVE what I've got planned and it should make it so much easier for everyone. Great goings on your bins. That's superb :-D
Hi Alex - huge thanks for your big thumbs up. I have an idea....please email me because I have a proposition :-D
Don't worry Layla. I won't be far away. Between doing my housewifey stuff I'll be having my head down in finishing off the book and hopefully it will be available soon. I've just got to get it finished in the first instance, but I won't be far away and there's so much exciting stuff that I've got planned with bags and bags of optimism. :-D
Thank you TH - even though I'm just excited enough to be a finalist, I know it's going to be very nervewracking. So please all think of me at around 8.30 - 11pm on Tuesday night. :-D
Mrs G, thank you honey. I think if there's anyone who knows how it's like it's you. Thank you so much for your support over these months which have flown by so quickly. I think you're right, After time to chill, we'll see more action again on here again and oh my word, how exciting will all that be. I can see a real cheeky imp rising from the ashes. LOL, I can't wait. :-D
Yay BB - I've read your words, again, then again, then again and I think you're right. Let's treat this like the end of Season 1. Season 2 will be back with more strength and hopefully bags more wisdom :-D
Hi Spindle - thank you so much and great to see you over on the blog. I am indeed a paid-up member of Woodland Ways...It's a fabulous organisation that is deserving of support. I just wish the meet-ups didn't clash so much with other commitments, not their fault but mine. You've reminded me to take a fresh look at the calendar and get digging as well as writing LOL. Thank you :-D
Mrs. A I completely understand that family comes first and that blogging can take a lot of time away from that.
But my selfish little heart wants to scream,"no, no please don't go! You're my favourite trashy lady!"
(please note I used the British spelling of favourite in a blatent attempt to win your favour and keep you blogging for my own selfish I want to read what you have to say reasons. :)
First I do so hope you win, you deserve to........
Second, you will be greatly missed by all of us in the blog world.....
Third, I know how you feel, its like a full time job at times doing this blog thing, trying to come up with something new, keeping it all fresh....
Fourth, remember all that you have taught us, will be put to good use.
Take care and God bless,
Gill in Canada
Glad to hear you're not planning to shut the blog down, but just take a break, and maybe slow down some.
I don't know how you can find time to write a blog and a book at the same time, while looking after your family, not to mention whizzing round the housework like wonder woman! ;)
I was trying to work on my NVQ last week, and found it very hard to add to my blog as well.
Your blog is very helpful to remind me to check how much rubbish I'm accumulating, and to rethink my purchases. You're a mine of useful information about what to buy to be kinder to the environment.
Hope you do well at the awards ceremony. I hope you have your speech prepared just in case - you won't want to do a Kate Winslett, I'm sure. :D
LOL Condo Blues - hee hee thank you, the lengths some people will go to eh! But I really appreciate it. As long as you can cope with me taking some time off, so I can come and hang around your place more often, that'll be grand. :-D xxx
Hi Gill - thank you so much for your words of wisdom. It really is like a full-time job sometimes isn't it? Probably more rewarding than getting paid though - flexible hours, with my own programme to dictate. Thank you so much for your encouragement. You're fab :-D
LOL Karin - it's thanks to there being 24 hours in the day that I manage to keep it up. But I most definitely need more sleep. I hope to get gardening too soon and I am looking forward to spending a little more time comparing notes on that AND the chickens. Thank you for following the blog for such a long time. It's bee brilliant having you ove here. :-D
I receive my Hen Party Award with honour and delight. I'd just like to thank all my feathered friends in the garden for their help. I am eggstremely indebted to them not only for their eggs but also for making me laugh, for naturally fertilising the garden and for providing a means by which to cut down dramatically on food waste. Thank you, thank you, thank you all... *sniff*... :-)
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