I have some exciting news folks. Remember I said something BIG was happening. Well it's happening this week. During our Zero Waste Week I am not just talking rubbish on the blog, I'm talking rubbish on the radio too, and not just any Radio programme. Indeed it's BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour.
Woman's Hour is broadcasting my guest column throughout the week, which includes a series of tips on how to work towards Zero Waste with The Rubbish Diet.
I am delighted to have worked with WH on the column and I would like to extend a warm welcome to listeners who have hopped over to The Rubbish Diet site as a result. I hope you find the site useful and entertaining.
If readers want to listen in, Woman's Hour is broadcast between 10-11am, weekdays. Don't forget, if you're overseas you can always listen via the Internet at www.bbc.co.uk/womanshour and if you miss it, there's always the "listen again" option.
As for an update on my Zero Waste progress. It's great news as there's nothing in the bin yet! Yes, Yes, I know it's only 6.30 in the morning. Pop by later and hopefully you'll see the same message. Hmmm. Perhaps I should set up a "web cam" (chuckle). No, perhaps not!
Turnamen Arena Of Valor Yang Paling Megah Di Dunia
11 months ago
on women's hour you mention washable sanitary towels - never did it for me - but i LOVE my Mooncup (re-usable sanitary protection - see http://www.mooncup.co.uk/) complete menstrual liberation!!!
Well done on a great project! I usually aim to have no more than a small carrier bag of throwable rubbish, but will this week try for none. Started today by bringing lunch and my own coffee cup with me to college!
Good on you for making people aware of the amount of rubbish and packaging we consume in a normal week.
I get very disgruntled about packaging.
I have shifted my main shopping to smaller shops and my weekly food bill has gone down, so too has the amount of packaging.
We have a wormery, however this is the second lot of worms as I killed the first batch-oops.
But I have learnt not to move there home out of the sun completeley.
Good luck.
Hi Anonymous - thanks for the thumbs up re the mooncup...If I'm right, I'm sure a well known high street chemist is now selling them. So yey...they've gone mainstream. I'm sure it won't be long until the pads can be found in high-street stores too.
Hi Catherine - thanks for your support. Good luck with the rubbish. My bag is still empty. Please do come back and let me know how you get on!
Hi Apelstile - poor worms. I'll remember your tip about the sun. I think we've found the perfect spot for ours and so far they are doing very well. You're right about the shopping. I have found moving to the market and independents very liberating and even though I haven't measured our spend, I am sure that I am spending less. Thanks very much for popping by and for your support.
Great stuff Mrs Average! I missed it this morning but will investigate the listen again option. I'm really need to read your blog again from the beginning as there's so much information. Will you be continuing it after Zero Waste Week?
Hi Rosie - thanks for your support. It's an amazing experience being able to share the ideas on the blog and now on national radio. Yes you'll be pleased to know that I will continue the blog once this week is over. I have some other ideas that I am considering too When I first started the challenge and the blog, I hadn't anticipated the swirl of support that would come and the enthusiasm that people have shown regarding slimming their own bins. So please keep popping by for more updates.
Heard you on Woman's Hour this morning - great broadcast - and what a fabulous blog, so much information. I have spent all day reading it (I read slowly!) and I hope I have absorbed some of it (darn it, now I've used the word "absorb" I am thinking about Fairy-whatever-they-ares again).
The council in my area is pretty stone age as far as recycling is concerned. So few things can be recycled in the collected recycling bin - we can't recycle foil, for instance, only cans. I do hope this improves soon, as I'm guessing that trips to the tip are really not that great as far as the environment goes.
We (me and him-indoors) throw away very little food, most of our rubbish consists of packaging which can't be recycled here - mainly plastic films and trays. However we keep trying to find ways of reducing it, and recently were chuffed to find that the local hospital collects the screw tops from plastic milk containers, and recycles them - another tiny step in the right direction!
I'm so glad to find that it isn't only dog owners in Sussex who think that it's ok to chuck their plastic-bagged dog poo into the hedge. What on earth is with that?!
Keep up the great work, you are an inspiration :)
Hi Wibble Puppy. Thanks for your lovely feedback and for your support. It looks like you need to point your council in the direction of St Edmundsbury. I think they have come out top for recycling. They are a friendly team and I am sure they would be happy to talk to other councils. I'm really glad that you've found my musings useful and please keep sharing. It sounds like you've got some uncaring dog owners too. I suppose they get everywhere, pretty much like dog poo.
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