There is nothing like opening a Can-O-Worms to kick off discussions! I have the wormery and the book, which arrived safely from Wiggly Wigglers this morning. All I need is some extra tips from anyone out there who has already mastered their own Can-O-Worms.
While I sort out the worms, if you have some time, have a browse down the sidebar to take a look at some of the new links I've added. I've included a very useful feed from The Guardian's Waste section. It makes some very interesting reading.
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11 months ago
I'm glad to hear your C-o-W arrived safely. I love my wormery - I can't resist peeping in to check on progress!
I think we should be worm buddies - I got my Can around the same time as you! Check out the pix on my blog (
So far so good with mine, worms seem to be happy and munching away. Not sure how much more grub to add at the moment though ...
Hi Karen - it was very exciting to unpack the Can-O-Worms and big thanks to the team for sending it down so efficiently. I've found a very sheltered spot and thanks to the excellent instructions it was so easy to set up. You are most welcome to keep popping by and if you can share some extra hints I would be delighted to receive them.
Hi Jane - Yes please, I think I am in need of a worm buddy, especially after reading about my new levels of responsibility in looking after the worms. We're already thinking of the worms as pets. The children find feeding the worms more interesting than bunging the kitchen waste in the compost bin!
I love your blog and the photos of the C-o-W are just wonderful. I know what you mean about the food...I'm being quite careful and trying not to over-feed them.
P.S. Happy Birthday
I've had mine since 1998 and it is an invaluable part of my composting set up. The main thing to remember is patience - they take time to settle in and get going and people new to wormeries often get frustrated that they can't cope with all your waste from the off.
I set my Father up with a can-o-worms at Xmas but bought another 1000 worms to give it a kick start. That and the mild weather has them really going to town so if you can afford another bunch of worms I'd go for it.
Although we don't have a wormery (might be an option on the balcony though!) we do use Wiggly Wigglers to order live meal worms from them every Spring when the birds are feeding their young.....great fun except when they start wriggling towards our door!!!
OK, I'm getting seriously tempted to join in the fun here. I want a wormery!!
Hi Simon - thanks so much for visiting and for your advice. Yes, patience is the key and it is really hard to avoid putting all the food waste in the wormery. At least we've got a compost bin, with which we can share the waste. It's needed really, with things like orange and grapefruit peel. It does make a great present. I hope your dad's wormery is going well. Sounds like a great idea to get more worms.
Hi Baba - you should have enough room on your balcony for a wormery. You might need to get some "housing" for it though to shelter it through winter. See Wiggly Wigglers site for more info. However Karen at WW seems to have bought the last one for now.
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, please get one. The kids will love it, well your youngest probably would.
I wrote a small piece on how my composting set-ups work together. Bokashi (or YACS as it is known in our house - Yet another Composting System) is a great way of dealing with citrus fruit, onions and the cooked foods that you shouldn't put in your wormery.
So (and apologies for posting a link to my blog on your blog) -
Hi Simon - Thanks for this. I've included your link in my latest post, as it's very useful. Thank you.
I do apologise for having one of the last Can-o-Worms shelters.
However, as an alternative, you can wrap the sides with bubble wrap (recycled of course) or an old blanket to insulate it. The only bit you shouldn't wrap is the lid as you would block the ventilation holes.
It really does make a difference if they are a bit warmer - mine are tucked up nicley and working away well.
Hi Karen - thanks for the advice. I think I'll do that. I have also had the recommendation to invest in some more worms, so another order may be on its way soon.
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